Why Invest In UK Property?

The property market is an exciting and growing business opportunity which looks to buy, sell and rent property as a means to financial income. The option to turn stagnant properties into an exciting and consistent financial income is one that many investors choose to enter into. But why choose the UK as your location to invest?

Increased housing demand

The UK has seen a consistent increase in its property prices, even during the crash periods of the recession. This, coupled with an increase in the UK population, makes the UK property market a safe option for both experienced and inexperienced investors. The demand for rental property within the UK has also almost doubled since 2002, accounting for almost 11% of the total housing market. An annual report set out by Uk estate agents Knight Frank suggested that there were now 5 million households in private rental accommodation and that this number was set to rise to 5.79mover the next 5 years! This demand for rental property is a clear marker of investment opportunity.

Low interest Rates

Interest rates for borrowing money have also been at an all-time low for the last 6 years, this makes buying property within the UK much easier! Combine low mortgage payments with increased rental prices, and the opportunity for profit within the buy to let industry is both likely and easy. The low price of the pound within the UK, particularly since Brexit,  is also attractive to many foreign investors, enabling many to purchase property at a much-reduced rate.

Stable Economy and Political System

As a country and place to live, the UK has also seen great economic growth and stability as well as a stable political system. Although uncertainty around the exact results of Brexit remains, there is the suggestion from some within the industry that property prices could actually “bounce” after the conclusion of the deal.

“Jonathon Harris, director at mortgage brokers Anderson Harris,  argues that a “Brexit bounce” could take place, above all in London, if the UK reaches a satisfactory deal with the EU.”

For more information on the UK properties that we are currently developing, please contact us on the details below.